Sunday, 5 February 2012

Innovation - What Is It Again?

It's a great word for starters! One of my funniest experiences with the word itself was when I was working as a directors' assistant on a food show. The host kept pronouncing the word as  in - oh - vat - ive - think we must have said "cut" about 20 times...

Innovation can mean so many things - so in one minute or less here goes. It is introducing something new, whether that be a method, idea, product, system or service. Ideally innovation is a cataylst for growth and change. It can be defined as taking traditional ways of doing things and turning them upside down.

Innovation can frighten some people (not me though I think it's exciting and stimulating - just to clarify that I'm not an innovation closet scardy cat facing her fears!). It can be as uncomplicated as taking what you already have, throwing the "pieces" in the air and watching them rearrange themselves as they land.

It's as simple as the new version of the iPad Smart Cover (you know how it folds up and you can use it as a stand that won't fall over when you type as opposed to version one that topppled if you pressed too hard) or as "out there" (pun intended) as Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic Flight!

Really, it's about developing good habits - like brushing your teeth - and creating a culture of innovation. It's finding the see-saw balance between training and discipline and being creative.

I like this Steve Jobs story. When he was asked what market research went into Apple's elegant and classy designs, Steve Jobs responded "it's not the consumers job to know what they want"...happy innovating.

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